Thursday, October 23, 2008

A hUnTiNg We WiLl Go!!!

My dad, mom, Brinley, and I decided that we would go out looking for deer Saturday night.. Well, we got all ready in our orange and Brinley and I decided we would mess around with the camera and take some pictures of us!! So here is some pictures of us on our hunting trip!!

This is right before we left!! I thought it turned out pretty cute!

Here is another picture of us on the four wheeler! We were suppose to

be lookin for deer!! SHH don't tell dad! We were having fun takin

pictures of ourselves!!

Well, I had so much fun going with my family hunting!! I love spending time with my family which I don't get to do much cause we are all so busy with our lives!! Life gets so CRAZY sometimes!! Wow, it's been a while since I have updated my blog... I don't really have anything to say that is why I don't... Nothing new and exciting happens with Hailey!! But hope you guys all have a GREAT day!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

GiRlz WeEkEnD!!

This weekend Hillary and I went and stayed up in Ephraim with Kelsey at her apartment! We had so much fun! We decided this was a girl weekend and no guys would be involved!! We started out by just hanging out at the apartment and meeting her roomates! They were totally awesome girls! Then about 11:30 at night we decided to go to Walmart! We got candy and playing cards and then went back to the apartment. We played for quit awhile.... I guess every weekend or everynight the have a dance party! So they had their dance party the night we were there and it was totally awesome! It was fun just being with the girls and having a great time! Well, Hillary, Kelsey, and I ended up not going to bed until 4:00 in the morning! But Saturday we went to Snow College Homecoming game! It was way fun other than it was FREEZING!!! Here are some pictures of our AwEsOmE wEeKeNd!

This picture is a little fuzzy but I thought it was way cute of us girls!!

Hillary took this picture of me and I was SOO not ready for a picture! :)

This is of Kelsey and Hillary gettin ready for the day!!

I loved this picture!! It was outside and it was freezing so that explains why we have the hoods on!

Well, it started snowing on our way home between Ephraim and Manti and Hillary got this picture for me and I loved it....

I loved this picture of the temple!! With the snow coming down I thought it was GORGEOUS!!
Well, now you can see that I had a totally awesome weekend!! Thanks Hillary and Kelsey it was a blast!! We will totally have to do it again!! Thanks again!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

WoW! I hAvEn'T pOsTeD fOr AwHiLe!!

This week has flown by so fast!! I swear I was just gettin ready for school last Sunday! I think the reason it is flying by so fast is cause I love life!! I love going to school and learning new things... I love hanging out with my friends!! It is so much fun!! I got to hang out with Kelsey and Hillary last weekend and I had a ball... Thanx girls for such a a great night out!! There is nothing new for me... Like I have told you before all I do is go to work and then school, or go to school then work... That is my life!! I will try and get some pictures this weekend if I do anything fun cause I haven't post any for a while!! But hope everyone has a FaNtAsTiC weekend!!!

Friday, October 3, 2008

TaGgEd...WhO aM I?

I am- a daughter, a sister, soon to be aunt!, and grand-daughter
I want- to have a a good wonderful life!
I have- I have a fantastic family and amazing friends!
I wish- for lots of money and to have my dreams come true
I hate- being wrong..(which is most of the time)
I fear- Of losing a loved one
I hear- the tv going in the other room and my family talking
I search- for purses, purses, and more purses!
I wonder- what my life is going to be in 5 years!
I always- try to be the best i can!
I usually- either working or at school
I dance- i hardly ever dance!! I hate it... I am not good at it!
I sing- I don't sing either! I am really bad!
I never- want to get up in the mornings! I love staying up!
I rarely- clean my room and car!
I cry- when i am upset...
I am not always- the girl i should be but I try the best I can!
I need- My family, friends, and my purses!! :)
I should- Be on my way to Salina, but I am doing this lol!!
I dream- Of someday having a husband, a family, and owning lots and lots of purses!!!

I TAG- Ashley, Brinley, Tandi, and who ever wants to!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

yAy I aM dOnE!!!!

I can actually now say that I am officially done with Twilight!!! O mY gOsH... I loved the book... It is like the best book eVeR!!! I can't actually believe I just said that.... But seriously it is one of the best books out there..... I am going to start reading the "New Moon" tommorrow so I will keep ya updated on that book... Wow... This week has really flown by fAsT!!! I can't believe how fast time flies... Before we know it, it will be ChRiStMaS!! But I don't have much to say tonight I just wanted to let everyone know that I am FiNaLlY done with Twilight... If you haven't read it yet I HiGhLy reccomend reading it... Well, I hope everyone has a fAnTaStIc weekend!!!